Join PIONEERED at ECER 2023!

The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2023 will be held at the Gilmorehill Campus of the University of Glasgow from 22 until 25 August 2023. The theme of the conference is "The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research", with keynotes and other events focusing on the many forms of diversity in educational research, including conceptual, contextual, and methodological diversity.

The PIONEERED project partners will be in full attendance at this important event, presenting their findings from several research work packages. The practice research work package will be presented by teams from Norway, Germany, and Spain. The quantitative research work package will be presented by teams from Switzerland, Luxembourg, Finland, and Germany. The policy analysis work package will be presented by teams from Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Norway.

Below is a list of presentations featuring participation from the PIONEERED teams:

Session: Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education

  • Date & Time: 22 August: 1:15 - 2:45 p.m.

Paper Presentation

Ivan Tokheim, Solvejg Jobst

Smoothening Transitional Risks for Students Struggling to Stay in School

Session: Educational lnequalities from the Multi-level, lntersectional and Life-course Perspectives

  • Date & Time: 22 August: 5:15 - 6:45 p.m.
  • Location: Gilbert Scott, Melville (Floor 4)
  • Session Chair: Aigul Alieva
  • Discussant: Christiane Gross


Robin Benz, Tobias Ackermann

Disadvantaged by Chance? Cut-off Dates for School Enrolment and Their Consequences for Educational Outcomes

lneke Pit-ten Cate, Martha Ottenbacher, Aigul Alieva, Taylor Kroezen

The lntersectionality of School and Student Factors in Predicting Academic Achievement

Katri Kleemola, lrena Kogan, lrem Karacay, Auli Toom

Explaining lntersectional lnequalities in Sense of Belonging in Education across the Educational Path and across Educational Contexts

Session: Educational Policy and Equality in Europe: Comparative Studies on Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Norway

  • Date & Time: 23 August: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
  • Location: James Watt South Building, J15 LT (Floor 1)
  • Session Chair: Juliette Torabian
  • Discussant: Emer Smyth


Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Hanna Siarova, Borbala Lorincz

Embedded Concepts: Social and Historical Construction of Educational lnequality in Hungary's and Lithuania's Education Policy

Juliette Torabian, Frederick De Moll, Sabine Bollig

Early Childhood Policies Targeting lnequalities in Education. A Comparative Policy and Ethnographie Analysis of Pioneering Practices in Germany and Luxembourg

Joakim Jensen, Jan Skrobanek, Solvejg Jobst

Educational Equality through Unequal Treatment in Norway. Policy Problem Framing and Solutions Tackling Educational lnequality in an Egalitarian Context

Session: Policy Studies and Politics of Education

  • Date & Time: 24 August: 05:15 - 06:45 p.m.
  • Location: James Watt South Building, J345 (Floor 1)

Paper Presentations

Alejandro Montes, Carlos Alonso

The informed Discourse(s) in the Configuration of Practices Against Educational Inequality: Lessons Learned and Common Premises

Susana Vásquez-Cupeiro, Carlos Alonso

How to Reduce Educational Inequality? Dilemmas in the Spanish Context

CANCELLED DUE TO ILLNESS!: Session: Tackling lnequalities Through Educational Diversity

  • Date & Time: 25 August: 09:00 - 10:30 a.m.
  • Location: James McCune Smith, 430 (Floor 4) *Session Chair: Sabine Bollig
  • Discussant: Justin Powell

We are looking forward to seeing you there!


The PIONEERED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004392.