Networking & Synergies
During the course of the PIONEERED project, we successfully fostered a robust network within the PIONEERED stakeholder community by engaging with related initiatives at both national and international levels. A diverse range of networking activities facilitated active dialogue and direct interaction with other members of the scientific community and key opinion leaders in the field, paving the way for future scientific collaboration. Our networking efforts extended beyond the scientific community to include policymakers and other key stakeholders, ensuring a broad and impactful exchange of knowledge
Specifically, PIONEERED established strong connections with other EU-funded initiatives such as the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) Inclusion4Schools and the Research and Innovation Action (RIA) SMOOTH both of which aimed to enhance access to and uptake of education to reverse inequalities. These interactions strengthened synergies and cooperation among relevant stakeholders, including policymakers at all levels, significantly boosting the impact of our collective efforts.
Throughout the project duration, the PIONEERED project continuously identified and leveraged new synergies to support the sustainable uptake of research results, ensuring a lasting contribution to policy and practice in the field of educational equality.
Find out more below:
- Inclusion4schools
Inclusion4schools will be a major hub to promote the policy uptake of PIONEERED research outcomes to overcome inequalities. It will generate networks for research and policy development and promote and monitor policy guidance for system-wide, integrated and – where necessary – cross policy strategies for effective intervention. Inclusion4schools will leverage the uptake of policy lessons drawn from PIONEERED results and support us in our outreach activities through additional networking activities and stakeholder conferences. Moreover, the translation of PIONEERED research outcomes into policy lessons to be disseminated via the Inclusion4schools platform and network structure will enhance the sustainability of PIONEERED project outcomes beyond the project duration.
SMOOTH intends to introduce the emergent paradigm of the ‘commons’ as an alternative value and action system in the field of education for children and young people. The project critically draws out the implications of the commons for refiguring education and for social change in general, on a footing of equality, sharing, participation, togetherness, caring and freedom. The project will address social inclusion according to the ‘educational commons’ in terms of if they can operate as a catalyst for reversing inequalities, through a variety of methods such as pedagogical documentation, pedagogy of active listening, ethnography, and discourse analysis.
- iRead4Skills
Reading is an essential skill to learn, in training contexts and in working practices, but also to acquire other skills that are needed to stay apace with the current changing job market and to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. The iRead4Skills project aims to improve reading skills in the adult population by creating an intelligent system that assesses text complexity and suggests appropriate reading materials, contributing to reducing skills gaps and to provide access to information and culture.